Turn Your imagination to reality
For all art lovers who value time and quality, Cre8sArt School is the best place where students have a great opportunity to attain the tricky, but essential balance between mastering fundamental art skills and to learn trusting their creative mind.

We Work With DDD Students
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Turn Your imagination to reality
For all art lovers who value time and quality, Cre8sArt School is the best place where students have a great opportunity to attain the tricky, but essential balance between mastering fundamental art skills and to learn trusting their creative mind.

We Work With DDD Students
Get Started
Turn Your imagination to reality
For all art lovers who value time and quality, Cre8sArt School is the best place where students have a great opportunity to attain the tricky, but essential balance between mastering fundamental art skills and to learn trusting their creative mind.

We Work With DDD Students
Get Started

Welcome To Cre8sArt School

Founded in 2012 in Fort Lee, NJ, Cre8sArt School offers a unique, one-on-one approach for every student in a group setting. Cre8sArt School uses its individual method of teaching traditional and digital art for all ages. Cre8sArt School gives a voice to our students. Our students learn to turn their imagination into reality by exploring their cre8ive mind.

Art School For All Ages

Awaken the soul of artist in you

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Our Mission

Cre8sArt School gives you a voice to express yourself

You learn to turn your imagination into reality

Our Instructors teach to explore your cre8tive mind

Send Us A Message


1. Acknowledgment of Risks:

By signing this document, I, the undersigned parent/guardian, acknowledge and understand that participation in art classes and activities at Cre8sArt School may involve some minor risks, including but not limited to:

  • Exposure to materials such as paints, clay, and other art supplies, which may produce mild fumes or dust.
  • Risks associated with the use of art tools and equipment, such as brushes, sponges, and other supplies.
  • The presence of dust or fumes that may cause mild irritation to the eyes, skin, or respiratory system in some cases.
  • Potential for minor injuries such as small cuts or scrapes from handling art materials or equipment.

2. Assumption of Risk:

I understand that while Cre8sArt School takes every precaution to minimize these risks (including ensuring proper ventilation, providing protective equipment, and offering safety guidance), it may not be possible to eliminate all risks associated with these activities entirely. I voluntarily assume all risks related to my child’s participation in these classes and activities.

3. Waiver and Release of Liability:

To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby waive, release, and discharge Cre8sArt School, its owners, instructors, staff, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, or damages arising from or related to my child’s participation in these classes, including but not limited to personal injury, illness, or property damage.

I understand that this waiver and release apply to all claims, known or unknown, arising out of or in any way related to the activities mentioned in this document. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cre8sArt School and its personnel from any claims, actions, or damages arising from my child’s participation.

4. Consent to Treatment:

In the event of an emergency, I authorize the staff of Cre8sArt School to seek medical treatment for my child as necessary. I understand that all expenses related to any medical care or treatment will be my responsibility.

5. Acknowledgment of Safety Guidelines:

I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understood Cre8sArt School’s safety guidelines, including any instructions related to the safe use of art materials, equipment, and practices. I agree to ensure that my child follows all safety protocols during class.

6. Permission for Use of Artwork:

I grant Cre8sArt School permission to use photographs or videos of my child’s artwork for promotional or educational purposes, including but not limited to social media, website, and printed materials, without compensation.

7. Governing Law:

This waiver and release shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New Jersey.

By signing below, I confirm that I have read, understood, and voluntarily agree to the terms of this waiver.