Digital Art Class
- *Auto-Renewal/Cancellation Policy: Your subscription will begin as soon as you enroll, and will automatically renew after one month (you will be charged every month on the same date as your first payment). To cancel your subscription, please contact us via email, phone, or upon arrival, at least 2 weeks before your package ends (you will receive a form that must be completed in order to cancel your subscription). By checking this box, you agree to our terms and conditions.
Digital Art Class
(Grades 6-12)
$220 / monthly
(In-Person & Online via Zoom)
*All materials are included*
Key Ideas
- Students will learn how to create digital artwork
- Students will learn art fundamentals such as lines, shapes, patterns, and colors
Digital Art
- Our Digital Art Class will introduce students to the modern techniques of computer generated art on a virtual canvas. We will work with Apple iPads along with Apple Pencils, and will familiarize our students with Sketchbook Pro.
Online Schedule
Wednesday 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM
Friday 4:45PM – 6:30 PM
Online Schedule
Wednesday 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
Friday 4:30PM – 5:45 PM
Saturday 12:00pm – 1:15 PM