Adult Beginners Art
Adult Beginners Art
- If you are having trouble signing up, please contact us at 201-203-7010 for further assistance.
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Adult Beginners Art
$220 monthly
(once a week)
$400 monthly
(twice a week)
$540 monthly
(thrice a week)
*All materials are included*
Key Ideas
- Learn the basics of drawing and painting through a variety of subject matter such as portraiture, landscape, still lifes, and perspective
- Learn the basics of drawing and painting through a variety of subject matter such as portraiture, landscape, still lifes, and perspective
What is First Steps into Studio Art?
- This introductory course allows students to learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting. Students explore a variety of media and subject matter. Students learn and begin to master drawing and painting principles.This course is great for beginners and as an art making refresher.