Portfolio Prep

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High School Portfolio Prep
$1100 for 1 Month
$2850 for 3 Months
$4500 for 6 Months
*All materials are included*
Our program will help students create portfolios for the schools of their choice for Art Colleges/Programs. Instructors provide specific and customized requirements from student’s selected schools to tailor the program to a multitude of formats. The course is offered as an intensive 12 week program for students to create various works to include in their portfolio. During the program students will revisit the fundamentals of drawing, painting, printmaking, and other materials in the classical tradition, as well as experiment and learn about new medias.
Our students from our Portfolio Prep Courses have been accepted to Bergen County Technical High School and Bergen County Academies High School.
Bergen County Academies, Bergen County Technical High School
**Please note that portfolios are due digitally by the date and time listed on the bergen.org website.**
6 Required Artworks for Portfolio
- Still life: At least three everyday objects, grouped together with a light source, and drawn from observation (do NOT use a photo!). Digital artwork NOT accepted. This file must be submitted using the following format: Firstname.Lastname.Stilllife.jpg
- Full-figure drawing: A person standing, seated, or reclining, and drawn from observation (do NOT use a photo!). This should include the whole body, head to toe. Digital artwork NOT accepted. This file must be submitted in the following format: Firstname.Lastname.Figure.jpg
- Self-portrait: A drawing of your own face, using a mirror from observation (do NOT use a photo!).You may also include neck and shoulders. Digital artwork NOT accepted. This file must be submitted using the following format: Firstname.Lastname.Selfportrait.jpg
- Abstract/Expressive: An artwork that is abstract or expressive. The work may be either non-objective (no reference to real objects) or may reference real objects (such as a house) but in a way that is not overtly realistic. The work may express emotion or an issue that is important to the student. Digital artwork NOT accepted. This file must be submitted using the following format: Firstname.Lastname.Abstract.jpg
- Choice 1 Artwork: An artwork of the student’s choice. This piece may be a 3-dimensional work, painting, drawing, etc. Anime, fan art, comics, character design, or AI generated art of any kind will not be accepted. This file must be submitted using the following format: Firstname.Lastname.Choice1.jpg
- Choice 2 Artwork: An artwork of the student’s choice. This piece may be a 3-dimensional work, painting, drawing, etc. Anime drawings or other fan art, comics, character design, or AI generated art of any kind will not be accepted. This file must be submitted using the following format: Firstname.Lastname.Choice2.jpg
- Artistic Integrity Agreement: By clicking “I understand,” you are confirming that your artwork complies with the following Artistic Integrity Statement.
All work submitted is original, meaning I created the work based on my own ideas. By submitting work, I agree that I created it and did not copy it from any other person, business, school, website or organization. I understand that any work that infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights will receive an automatic zero for the portfolio.
To be able to develop adequate drawing, shading and painting skills, it is recommended to start preparation in 6th or 7th grades.
Please, be advised that you are going to work in color with soft oil pastels and color pencils. You will be painting with watercolor, tempera paint, acrylic and oil paint. You will create artworks from your imagination to show the level of your creativity and technical mastery. YOUR work needs to stand out from others, both technically and foremost creatively. You need to make a time commitment and be consistent in preparation.