

Picasso, Collage, Clay​

July 10 - July 14
Morning (9:00am-12:30pm)
Afternoon (12:30pm-3:00pm)
Full Day (9:00am-3:00pm)

Key Ideas

Why is it important?

  • Students will focus on cutting and pasting images from other sources (magazines, books, print outs) to create their own masterpiece 

  • We will teach our students about Pablo Picasso, his art and Cubism.

  • The students will learn how to observe and translate their thoughts into language, and listen and respond to multiple perspectives through Pablo Picasso’s works.

  • Clay stimulates the child’s curiosity, encourages experimentation, and allows them to create 3-dimesional sculptures.

(All supples are included​)

Please pack snack and lunch. (no nuts containing food please)

Seats are limited, Please RSVP.