Mosaic, Landscape, Clay
June 19 - June 23
Morning (9:00am-12:30pm)
Afternoon (12:30pm-3:00pm)
Full Day (9:00am-3:00pm)
Key Ideas
- Mosaic
- Landscape
- Clay
Why is it important?
Mosaic art is made from assembling small pieces of colored tiles onto a canvas to create an image. Mosaic art can also be found in old churches and buildings.Our classes are a detailed study in light and shadows.
Landscapes will provide an understanding of how shapes and color are affected by space.
Clay stimulates the child’s curiosity, encourages experimentation, and allows them to create 3 dimensional objects.
Students will learn to see these images in their mind’s eye and capture them in their paintings.
(All supples are included)
Please pack snack and lunch. (no nuts containing food please)
Seats are limited, Please RSVP.