Manga, Clay, Mosaic
August 14 - August 18
Morning (9:00am-12:30pm)
Afternoon (12:30pm-3:00pm)
Full Day (9:00am-3:00pm)
Key Ideas
- Manga
- Clay
- Mosaic
Why is it important?
Mosaic art is made from assembling small pieces of colored tiles onto a canvas to create an image. Mosaic art can also be found in old churches and buildings.Our classes are a detailed study in light and shadows.
Manga/Anime drawings are a perfect blend between realistic and cartoon drawing, focusing on human proportions, expressions, as well as shadows and highlights
Clay stimulates the child’s curiosity, encourages experimentation., and allows them to create 3-dimensional sculptures.
(All supples are included)
Please pack snack and lunch. (no nuts containing food please)
Seats are limited, Please RSVP.