Digital Art Class
Digital Art Class

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Digital Art Class
(Grades 5-12)
$220 / monthly
(In-Person & Online via Zoom)
*All materials are included*
Key Ideas
- Students will learn Basics of Photoshop
- Students will explore Photoshop’s Tools
- Painting and Drawing in Photoshop
- Students will explore Photoshop’s Advanced Tools
- Students will create a Digital Character and Digital Environment
Digital Art
- Our Digital Art Class will introduce students to the modern techniques of computer-generated art on a virtual canvas. We will work with Apple iPads along with Apple Pencils, and will familiarize our students with Sketchbook Pro.
In-Person Schedule
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Online Schedule
6:30 PM – 7:45 PM